
International financial authorities to jointly monitor large banks

1. Monitor banks that operates globally under stronger joint of each countries' authorities.
2. Check various areas such as on liquidity risks of each banks.
3. Disclose the assets that back the securitized products each bank hold.

The proposals are expected to be endorsed at the meeting between the G7 and the central bankers at Washington D.C on 11th April.

This is discussed in the Financial stability forum that consists of Japan, U.S. and Europe. This plan came up in order to make objective vision to monitor large banks, due to the worldwide finance complexity. These countries are the top three players among the key currency that I have posted earlier in this blog. Although the U.S. subprime mortgage fallout influenced mainly the developed countries, this proposals gave me an impression of weak recognization on developing countries.
If CO2 emission right turned out to be the key currency, countries such as China, India or Russia play a large role in the global finance market.

By the way, I wonder how China or India manage the balance between increasing CO2 by inviting foreign firms, and decreasing unemplyment rate by doing so. At the moment, they are against setting CO2 emission limits because it prevents economic growth. This shows that they don't see much problem increasing CO2.

I know this is a dream, but is it possible to create a key currency that does not interfere the economic difference?? I think there must be some kind of organization to manage it. Moreover, if the economic difference free key currency exists, the demand of the objective vision will lead to inviting other planets to the FSF. The planet must have equal financial market level to earth, or higher...

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