...This term, I've only chosen classes that intrests me rather than seeking for ones that I can easily pass. I believe that people can not show their fundamental ability unless they belong to some kind of organization or a community. Therefore I've decided to take "The Organization management"straight away. Today's lecture was on the development of America. The main topic was the "Scientific management" by Frederick Taylor. This theme was pretty much related to the book I was reading last night by Heizo Takenaka, "経済ってそういうことだったのか会議"
Anyway, so how did the settlers from europe created the new country by themselves??
Back in the 17th centry, America was rich with resource but had no proffession to use them. Improvement in productivity was their key factor to turn their resource into their advantage. Inorder to improve economy, they had to standize all the tools with letting no exceptions. Mass production was the base idea. For it was rare to have professional worker to make product by themselves in factories, assembling process was shared to make one able do the same move again and again. If someone makes a mistake, there was always a replacement to make up the matter. However it's not just the producing method they were checking on, but also the paying system as well. Fire the ones who were behind, and pay more to smart workers. What one should work on, when and how were always under investigation. Rules, manuals, law and regulations were made one after the other.
I guess this idea was brought to Japan after the second world war? Unfortunately this is why someone like me feel uncontent, with the awkward atmosphere made by the difference between American style "rule" and Japanese style "tacit understanding".

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